Sujet: Searching ville origin Jean-Baptiste DeSaegher nee 1841
Patronymes concernés: DESAEGHER, SAEGHER
Par ruthiehend - le 2016-08-03 05:42:28 - Signaler ce message au modérateur - Répondre
I suspect my g-g-grandfather Jean-Baptist Desaegher was part of les optants. He immigrated to USA and was married in Chicago, USA in 1875. He immigrated in 1871-73 from unknown country and unknown ville, but he was French speaking. Family members used to tell me he was from Alscace-Lorraine, but this was never confirmed.
Par champollion - le 2016-08-13 21:41:39 - Signaler ce message au modérateur - Répondre
I suspect your gggrand-father to be born in Belgium and not in Alsace Lorraine.
I suspect your gggrand-father to be born in Belgium and not in Alsace Lorraine.
Par sebduc - le 2016-08-19 17:34:18 - Signaler ce message au modérateur - Répondre
Yes, it seems that family name is from Flanders, North of France-Belgium.
I found a family in France with a Jean-Baptiste Desaegher, in Dunkerque city, but too old to be your ancestor who migrated but he is perhaps his grand-father or a relative. There are both Jean-Baptiste Desaegher little more late, in Belgium but not far from Dunkerque, it's perhaps the same family (Roesbrugge-Haringe)
All this information found on :
Nord archives :
Belgium Archives :
For the moment it is not possible to see archives from Roesbrugge-Haringe but in few time perhaps...
Good luck !
Yes, it seems that family name is from Flanders, North of France-Belgium.
I found a family in France with a Jean-Baptiste Desaegher, in Dunkerque city, but too old to be your ancestor who migrated but he is perhaps his grand-father or a relative. There are both Jean-Baptiste Desaegher little more late, in Belgium but not far from Dunkerque, it's perhaps the same family (Roesbrugge-Haringe)
All this information found on :
Nord archives :
Belgium Archives :
For the moment it is not possible to see archives from Roesbrugge-Haringe but in few time perhaps...
Good luck !
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